
Intrusion Alarm System

An intrusion alarm system’s job is to identify intruders and deliver alerts in the event of a security event whether it is utilised alone or as a component of an integrated security solution.

AIR professional burglar alarm is the best solution to protect your property and possessions whilst providing peace of mind at the same time. It is also a system that will become part of your daily routine and one that you will heavily rely on more than you realize, from year to year. At Stealth we understand this which is why we work closely with our customers to design and provide the most suitable systems for their property.

Among the many various components that might make up an intrusion alarm system are door contacts, glass break sensors, motion detectors, sirens, and strobe lights. When a potential burglar tries to enter a guarded area, an intrusion alarm system can detect it and activate an audible or visual alarm on site while also sending a message to an alarm monitoring station, where it is handled by experienced operators in accordance with the customer’s preferences.

Intrusion Alarm
Components of an Intrusion Alarm System

An intrusion alarm system is comprised of numerous components that collaborate to keep your facility secure.

Motion detectors – These devices function in conjunction with the security control panel and can trigger the activation of alarms, lights, cameras, or audio equipment.

Glass break detectors – Glass break detectors are sensors that detect the sound of glass shattering and activate an alarm.

Keypads – The keypad is the means by which the user interacts with the alarm system. You can arm/disarm your system and activate/deactivate devices using the keypad.

Door contacts – These sensors detect when a door or window is opened or closed.

Advantages of an Intrusion Alarm System

There are numerous advantages to installing an intruder alarm in your building. Here are our three best:

Continuous Protection — Hiring security guard services on-site is difficult and costly. At a fraction of the expense of a guard, an intrusion alarm system may offer you with 24-hour protection against theft and break-ins.

Powerful Deterrent – When an attacker discovers that you have an intrusion alarm system on your home, they are frequently dissuaded from entering. Even if they are ignorant of the presence of a device, a siren or other audible alarm will often deter them.

Remote Administration – Modern intrusion alarm systems are designed with mobility in mind. With an application, you can remotely arm/disarm and monitor your intrusion alarm system.

Remote Shutter

We provide all kinds of most modern shutters starting from Gi strips to Aluminum slats of various qualities from heavy duty to designer qualities.
Our shutters can be manual, electrical and remote controlled.

A remote shutter release is a device used to remotely trigger a camera. It is used when pushing the shutter button or the camera’s built-in self-timer is difficult, impractical, or inconvenient. By remote shutter release, we mean the electrical devices that are compatible with digital and film cameras nowadays. The majority of vintage analogue cameras and big format lenses utilise mechanical cable releases that operate somewhat differently.

The technology underlying the remote shutter release is really basic. The shutter release switch closes a circuit, signalling the camera to trigger the shutter. This permits basic wired shutter release buttons to function without batteries. Notably, while practically all cameras utilise the same mechanism to trigger, almost every camera manufacturer employs proprietary connectors. Due of this, several accessory makers design their remote wires to be removable and give a variety of solutions to accommodate different cameras. If you choose this model, you can maintain the same remote even if you transfer camera brands, borrow a camera, or upgrade to a new body.

Video Door Phone

AIR Video door phone is powerful interactive communication tool. By which one can communicate with person without having physical interaction. It enhances security at greater level.

A stand-alone intercom system called a video door-phone, also known as a video door entry system or a video intercom, is used to manage calls made at the entrance to a building (such as a residential complex, a detached single-family home, a workplace, etc.) with access controlled by audiovisual communication between the inside and the outside. The primary benefit of video door entry is that it allows the person inside to recognise the visitor and, if (and only if) they choose to, converse with them or open the door to let them in.

Vehicle Tracking System

A vehicle tracking system combines automatic vehicle location in individual vehicles with software that gathers this fleet data for a complete picture of vehicle locations. Other kinds of automatic vehicle location technology may also be utilized. However, modern car tracking systems frequently use GPS or GLONASS technology. You can view vehicle information on electronic maps with the Internet or specialized software. Urban public transit authorities are using vehicle tracking systems more frequently, especially in major cities.

There are various kinds of vehicle tracking technology. They are typically divided into “passive” and “active” categories. Devices that are “passive” store GPS location, speed, heading, and occasionally a trigger event like a key turned on or off or a door opened or closed. The device is taken out, and the data is downloaded to a computer for analysis after the car has reached a specific location. The auto-download variety of passive systems uses wireless download to transfer data. “Active” devices also gather the same data but typically send it near-real time to a computer or data center through satellite or cellular networks for analysis.

When a cellular network is available and a tracking device is connected, it transmits data to a server; when a network is unavailable, the device stores data in internal memory and will transmit stored data to the server later when the network becomes available again. Many modern vehicle tracking devices combine both active and passive tracking abilities.

Bike Security System

AIR Bike Security System (BSS) is very compact well designed security device specially designed for the security purpose of two wheeler vehicles. AIR BSS is not only very easy to install but also very easy to use.

So Hurry UP!!! Get the rid from all your worries and be relaxed for your bike Security.

  • Compact Design
  • Network Technology: Works on GSM
  • GSM Network: to assist the Registered User to find the GSM based Area code, Cell ID, Operator and location of the vehicle.
  • System Status: QRY command to know the status of the system.
  • Ignition Alert: Registered User receives alert SMS if there is an attempt to start vehicle in ACTIVE mode.
  • Automotive Environment: Suitable to be fitted in the automotive environment.
  • Low Power Consumption: Low power consumption to have longer standby time.
  • Transfer Control: Transfer control globally.
  • Battery: No need of separate battery as it uses vehicles battery for its operation


A closed system is CCTV (Closed Circuit Television) that enables the transfer of pictures from video cameras to monitors using video cameras, display devices (monitors), and wired or wireless data networks.

Video surveillance systems frequently involve additional hardware in addition to cameras and monitors, such as servers, disc storage, and client computers, which enable the storing and processing of video data. Moreover, security and other information systems can be connected with video surveillance systems.

Video surveillance systems aim to maintain safety in restricted areas, watch over employee behavior, track work progress, etc.

Access Control System

An access Control System (ACS) is a set of software and technical security tools that restrict and register the entry and exit of objects (people, vehicles) in a given area through access points: doors, gates, and checkpoints.

The main task of the access control system is to provide control of access to a given territory: who, when, and where is let to pass, including the identification of persons and vehicles. In addition, the access control system helps to solve work time logging tasks. It can also be integrated with accounting, personnel management, video surveillance, security, and fire alarm systems.

To provide additional security for access control at critical facilities, the network of access control devices is installed physically separate from other information networks.

Solar Panel Inverter

A solar inverter is a component in your solar panel system that changes the direct current (DC) electricity the solar panels capture into alternating current (AC). AC is the standard flow of electricity required to power your home appliances and connect to the National Grid. It is usually equal to either 120 volts or 240 volts, depending on the country. Without a solar inverter in your system, you could not power your home safely from your solar energy.

A high-quality inverter is essential to your panel setup, as a solar panel system is only as efficient as its weakest part. Capable of maximizing the available energy being generated by your Solar Panels. The importance of inverters is often overlooked during the design stage, but not here at Deege Solar.

Boom Barrier

A bar or pole pivotal to allowing the boom to restrict automotive or pedestrian access through a regulated location is called a boom barrier, sometimes called a boom gate. [1] Normally, the point of a boom gate rises vertically in an arc to an almost vertical position. Boom gates are frequently counterweighted, making it simple to tip the pole. Boom gates are frequently used in pairs or with the proper offset to restrict traffic in both directions.
Some boom gates additionally feature a second arm that, when lowered to improve approach visibility, hangs 300–400 millimeters below the upper arm. This arm hangs on links so that when the barrier is lifted, it lies flat with the main boom. Some barriers have a pivot around halfway up so that as the barrier is lifted, the outermost portion stays horizontal, giving the barrier the appearance of an upside-down L.

Intelligent Surveillance System

Surveillance systems have become increasingly popular. Full involvement of human operators has led to shortcomings, e.g., high labor cost, limited capability for multiple screens, inconsistency in long-duration, etc. Intelligent surveillance systems (ISSs) can supplement or even replace traditional ones. In ISSs, computer vision, pattern recognition, and artificial intelligence technologies are used to identify abnormal video behaviors. They present the development of real-time behavior-based intelligent surveillance systems.

AIR  ISS or Intelligent Surveillance System has been designed to ensure complete security of your premises. It is an ideal security solution that implements. various sensors, at various strategic points, to protect all your assets within your premises. It does this by detecting unauthorized activity and alerting you regarding the same.

Solar Water Heating System

A solar water heating system is a device that helps heat water using the SUN’s energy. This energy is free. Solar energy (sun rays) is used for heating water. Water is easily heated to a temperature of 60-80o C. Solar water heater of Solar water heaters (SWHs) of 100-300 liters capacity are suited for domestic use. Larger systems can be used in restaurants, canteens, guest houses, hotels, hospitals, etc. A 100 liters capacity SWH can replace an electric geyser for residential use and may save approximately 1500 units of electricity annually. Using 1000 SWHs of 100 liters capacity can each result in a peak load reduction of approximately 1 MW. An SWH of 100 liters capacity can prevent the emission of 1.5 tons of carbon dioxide per year.